Pay your Annual Contribution for 2024-25
Payment Details: £40 per household, £200 per business or organisation
MCRA Annual Contribution Banking Details:
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account number: 21602763
Account name: Malden & Coombe Residents' Association
Ref: Please add surname, road initials (eg WR = Warren Road, TW = The Watergardens) and house name or number. For example: Jones/GR/11; Smith/RR/Spring
MCRA Annual Contributions Update
How does the MCRA use your Annual Contribution? Read the update on our work for members in 2023-24 and the latest contribution numbers (by road) in 2024-25
The work we do for you depends on your £40/200* contribution!
​​Here are the latest Annual Contributions, by road, for the membership-year running 1/7/24-30/6/25.
We depend on resident contributions in order to carry out the work we do for Coombe Estate residents. Thank you to those who have already made a payment.
To keep our Association running, please make your Annual Contribution today. ​​​
*£40 per household, £200 per business & organisation
Paying your MCRA Contribution and how it is used on the Estate
The Committee carries out several duties to represent residents on the Estate
The MCRA is a Company limited by guarantee and is established as a non-profit organisation whose objective is to protect the rights and interests of the residents of the Estate who pay the annual Coombe Rate. All residents* on the Estate become Members of the Association and our Committee, made up entirely of volunteers meets regularly to consider matters of importance that affect our interests. We have an Annual General Meeting at the end of each year to which all residents are invited.
Our Committee has responsibility for the employment of the Gatekeepers on the Warren Road barrier but the costs associated with this are charged to all residents through the Coombe Rate. The MCRA also engages the services of a Secretary, Amy Castle, to assist with the not inconsiderable volume of paperwork, minutes, meetings, general administration and the issue of barrier permits. News of Estate activities appear on this website:​​​
The MCRA is a Company limited by guarantee and is established as a non-profit organisation whose objective is to protect the rights and interests of the residents of the Estate who pay the annual Coombe Rate. All residents* on the Estate become Members of the Association and our Committee, made up entirely of volunteers meets regularly to consider matters of importance that affect our interests. We have an Annual General Meeting at the end of each year to which all residents are invited.
Our Committee has responsibility for the employment of the Gatekeepers on the Warren Road barrier but the costs associated with this are charged to all residents through the Coombe Rate. The MCRA also engages the services of a Secretary, Amy Castle, to assist with the not inconsiderable volume of paperwork, minutes, meetings, general administration and the issue of barrier permits. News of Estate activities appear on this website:
Our committee keeps a watchful eye on Planning Applications submitted for developments on the Estate and may make representations or objections where it is thought that proposals could affect the enjoyment of the Residents as a whole. We do not, as a general rule, monitor individual planning applications, nor do we perform any formal function in this regard.
The day-to-day responsibility for maintenance of the roads, footpaths, grass verges, lighting, drainage and Estate facilities lies with Kingston Borough Council although the MCRA is in regular communication with the Officers of RBK to see that standards are properly maintained. The Association raises money to cover its expenses and the issue of permits by asking for a contribution of £40 from each Residence on the Estate, in September each year.
*includes tenants residing on the Estate for 3+ years